
Boston Scientific Releases Resolution 360 Clip

October 17, 2016

Boston Scientific has launched the Resolution 360 Clip, designed to improve hemostatic clipping for physicians during a clip placement.

Hemostatic clipping is used for a variety of endoscopy procedures of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to stop and help prevent bleeding associated with peptic ulcers, polyps removed during a colonoscopy and diverticulosis of the colon.

The device is developed using a multi-wire braided catheter that assists the healthcare professional to rotate the device in small, controlled movements in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions, for more accurate placement of the clip at the site of a GI bleed.

A study revealed that prophylactic clipping can reduce the risk of bleeding from 9.8 percent to 1.7 percent, leading to a reduction in adverse events associated with GI bleeding.

There are at least 240,000 incidences of GI bleeding in the U.S. annually. — Cynthia Jessup

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