
EMA Outlines Revolving-Door Policy for Departing Staff

April 14, 2014

The European Medicines Agency is asking that staff members inform its human resources office of any intentions to work outside the agency before accepting an offer, to avoid potential or perceived conflicts of interest.

The revolving-door policy — detailed in a best practices guide for departing staff — applies to activities occurring in the two years immediately following a staff members’ leaving the EMA.

If the agency determines that a conflict exists, such as a staff member leaving to work for a drug company whose products he or she reviewed, it may restrict the staffer’s current activities, forbid them from taking the job or allow it with certain conditions.

Staff members will be informed of a decision within 30 working days of receiving the information, the guide says. To ensure transparency, the agency will publish a report of the conflict-of-interest reviews along with an internal register of former staff members on whom conditions have been imposed.

View the best practice guide at www.fdanews.com/ext/resources/files/04/04-15-14-EMAGuide.pdf. — Lena Freund

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