
Bio-Rad Launches First Fully Automated HIV Test Outside US

June 18, 2014

Hercules, Calif-based Bio-Rad Laboratories said Tuesday it was that it was launching its fifth-generation HIV test, the first fully automated kit, outside the U.S.

The BioPlex 2200 HIV Ag-Ab kit diagnoses HIV through by detecting HIV antigens and antibodies, just like the fourth-generation version. But the new is also able to detect which individual HIV 1 and HIV 2 marker is positive. This helps to guide physicians in follow-up testing, saving lab time and resources and providing patient results in less time.

By using HIV AG-Ab, clinicians will be able to identify the primary HIV-1 antigen, therefore isolating patients with early infection. Since viral levels are higher and patients pose a greater risk of transmitting the disease during the first six months after infection, having this knowledge will help to prevent spread of the disease, Bio-Rad said.

The new kit adds to the BioPlex 2200 platform, which includes tests for autoimmune, infectious diseases and other conditions. The platform allows for the processing of multiple individual tests that traditionally are processed separately — conserving patient sample volume, consolidating workstations and simplifying workflow, Bio-Rad said. — Kellen Owings

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