
Veran Medical Announces Positive Results from SPiNPerc Study

July 14, 2014

Veran Medical Technologies reported positive results from an initial clinical trial of its SPiNPerc technology, saying the procedure is safe, feasible and cost-effective.

The technology enables surgeons to biopsy lung tissue percutaneously when a traditional endobronchic method is not possible.

Being able to perform either type of biopsy in the same procedure could yield savings of $693,327 per 200 lung cancer screening patients, the St. Louis, Mo., devicemaker said.
If a physician is unable to use the bronchoscope because of the lesion’s location or the lung’s anatomy, they can quickly switch to a percutaneous approach, explained Michelle Kalz, marketing manager at Veran Medical.

A second SPiNPerc study at Johns Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore, Md., is evaluating the procedure’s safety, yield and efficacy, Kaltz said. It is expected to be completed soon.

The SPiNPerc is available throughout the U.S. — Kellen Owings

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