
Report Flags Price Transparency As a Key Issue for 2018

January 17, 2018

Drug pricing will be a key healthcare issue for 2018, with state pricing and transparency laws pushing pharma and life science companies to reconsider strategies and business models, according to a new report from the PwC Health Research Institute.

The institute, which supports executive decision makers with new perspectives, trend analyses and intelligence, discussed the top health industry issues of 2018 in its report, including the industry’s response to the opioid crisis, drug price transparency and the growing importance of real-world evidence in pharma.

PwC notes that states are no longer content to ask manufacturers and providers to report their costs, and are passing laws that control prices and seek explanations for any price changes. The laws and pricing plans incentivize drugmakers to seek new ways to justify drug prices and show value through cross-sector collaboration, PwC said.

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