
Maryland Governor Vetoes Drug Pricing Board Funding

May 11, 2020

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan last week vetoed legislation that would have funded the state’s Prescription Drug Affordability Board, an independent body established last year to evaluate costly drugs and set price caps.

The first of its kind in the country, the board would have gained the authority in 2022 to set upper payment limits for drugs purchased by counties, local governments and the state.

In his decision, the governor said Maryland’s economy has been battered by the coronavirus pandemic and he is against legislation that would result in higher taxes and increased spending.

“With our state in the midst of a global pandemic and economic crash, and just beginning on our road to recovery, it would be unconscionable to raise taxes and fees now,” Hogan said in a letter to the president of the Maryland Senate and the speaker of the House of Delegates.

PhRMA said it appreciates the governor’s decision “to focus necessary funding on fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.” — James Miessler