
South Africa Has Highest Number of People on ARVs

August 31, 2007

Bua News, the South African government’s news service, reported that South Africa has the highest number of people on antiretrovirals (ARVs) in the world, according to Minister in the Presidency Essop Pahad.

Pahad said the cumulative total of patients who have started ARV treatment is estimated at 300,000 as of the end of June. These figures would rise up to about 500,000 if the private sectors patients were added.

Health Director General Thami Mseleku said there were not many people who did not complete their treatment. People who started their treatment a while ago are now faced with beginning the second line of drugs.

Mseleku said the government was discussing a number of options with companies to get the prices of the second-line ARVs lowered.